As SEO professionals, we know what we can do to make websites more efficient, but how do we optimize our professions? In this episode on Whiteboard Friday, Noah shares his experiences in search marketing, including tips for those at the beginning and middle of their careers.
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans. It’s an absolute pleasure to be here today to celebrate Whiteboard Friday. The majority of them provide you to master some fantastic tactical and strategic stuff. Today, we’ll be improving something unique. It’s your job. It’s the most important thing in the world.
This lecture will be particularly beneficial for those who are in the middle and beginning stages of their careers. Maybe you’re just beginning your journey to SEO, or perhaps you’ve decided to tackle more challenging tasks, or maybe you’re being given additional areas of responsibility and trying your best to figure out what it takes to get to the next stage. You’re wondering, “How do I go from maybe being a specialist to a manager, to a senior manager, or maybe even better, to a director or a vice president in an organization?” It was, for me, an exciting and thrilling journey. I’d like to share the thoughts I’ve collected during my journey, hoping that you, too, might achieve some of the same outcomes I’ve been able to attain.
The steps are fairly easy. Execution takes time, lots of dedication, and effort. If you’re a grizzler or a trier with a lot of enthusiasm and determination, you’re sure to benefit from this article today.
First, I’d like to mention that if you’re at all strategically, a tiny bit of strategic, picture yourself as a shepherd. You’re high up on a mountain. You’ve got all these sheep, and all you know is that you must move them downhill. This level of strategic thinking is essential to reach the next location. You don’t need to be knowledgeable about all the things. It’s not necessary to know all aspects of SEO. We’ll go into that later.
What exactly are we discussing? We’re discussing craft and people in this method we’re going through. Most of this results from an article on a blog that I read by a man known as Jason Roberts. He wrote this post in the year 2010. The link will appear to it in the show notes. For the actor, it was referred to as”the Surface Area of Luck. This blog post completely blew my mind as I read it because it’s all about doing. It’s about the art of making. It’s about knowledge. We learn what we can and what we do, and then it’s about telling. It’s how we convey to others the qualities and skills we contribute daily to our craft.
We’re talking about learning to produce great work and then how to let people know about it. The more proficient we are, the more we acquire and the greater number of people we can share it with. It’s not just every person who is there; it’s just the right ones who will help you advance your career by taking all of those steps I mentioned earlier, whether the transition from specialist into manager or manager to director or vice president to director.
So what exactly are we discussing? We’re discussing getting more intelligent. We’re discussing the time we begin to get into SEO. I believe it’s crucial to start your career in an agency setting. I believe that when you’re working for an agency, you’re exposed to kinds of issues and kinds of clients, and various verticals.
When you begin, the first step is learning to think. It’s about learning to make decisions. It’s learning to look at information. It’s learning the basics of the internet, learning how to create HTML and perhaps some cascading style sheets or even a bit of JavaScript and a bit of JavaScript to be aware of the basics of what it’s. It’s learning a lot about the different kinds of SEO, with various kinds of clients, understanding the difficulties that arise in the context of a local SEO issue, understanding the issues that are encountered as you learn to develop content, developing your content around strategy, learning everything about e-commerce SEO too. Thus, you’ll get this broad range of information to be aware of different issues.
What you’ll find during this process is that you’ll start to become enthusiastic and enthralled by something. You’ll begin to be able to connect with people. You’ll also follow those on social media who are experts in a particular area. You’ll watch Whiteboard Fridays that focus on particular topic areas. You may find yourself very deep in technical SEO. You might find yourself going super deep into e-commerce SEO. It is important to pay attention to this because it’s your inner voice telling you what your love is.
It’s our Moz-shaped superpower. Learning is crucial as it allows you to discover your superpower. From going wide to similar to what Rand spoke about so many years ago, with the T-shaped marketer, this is what we’re talking about. building a solid, broad base at the beginning of our careers so we can find out the power of our own.
What’s our superpower? It’s the aspect that keeps you awake late at night. It’s the thing that you are thinking about each time you get up. It’s that one thing you’re not able to not talk to your coworkers about or connect with other people via social media. When we begin talking about contacting people through social media sites, we enter into the people part of the process.
When you discover your special ability, you’ll like to become super skilled at it. You’re going to see yourself improving consistently. You’ll be learning various new technologies. You’ll be learning procedures and workflows that will enable you to get the most value from that powerhouse.