A pleased and fortunate St. Patrick’s Day for all of my followers! I’ve seen over and over repeatedly that small and local companies have been successful because of the right inspiration and a tiny bit of luck that helped them get noticed. In this day and age, I’d like to share my joy with you by offering three concepts I’ve observed expanding in my homeland of Ireland. There is no way to duplicate the exact model of business. However, you can eliminate the fundamental ideas I believe will succeed within the US. I’ll also explain ways to help succeed with imaginative marketing. Please share this article with your team to help brainstorm new ideas or with anyone else you know who wants to they had the chance to start a small-scale business.
Finding the “gra”
Have you ever considered what it means to tell someone “I love you” in Irish? One method can be “ta gra agam duit” (taw graw duts/ditch). It’s not unusual to hear Irish people saying that they have”a “gra” for something when they speak English. I find it interesting that, for me, it’s not just a sign of affection but also a sense of desire. If someone has a “gra” for bread that is delicious or a trip by the beach, or the warm coat they saw in a store window, this is something we would refer to as “consumer demand” in American marketing terminology. Take a look this moment, and might be beginning to see people across the US and around the world saying a specific type of “gra ” for an alternative lifestyle. Recently, this thread caught my attention on Twitter, initiated by writer and founder Dave Gerhardt.
Software obviously will not be going away anytime soon. The more we learn about the current status of AI chat and the more we learn, it’s becoming less many experts believe that it’s an important disruptor shortly; however, what I see in this tweet as well as the responses on it, suggests that users are beginning to tire of the monotonous limitations of too much screen time. Looking for a fulfilling local life and a community “IRL” is a great “gra ” assertion. Americans are extremely connected to technology; however, increasingly, I’m seeing people discussing having the “analog life,” wishing that their children could become “Luddites,” or wondering what an off-grid existence will be for their loved ones. Simply put, many people would like to have more joy in the things around them.
This scenario is specifically designed for small-business entrepreneurs. Let’s look at these three concepts of aspiration to determine if you or your customers have a “gra” tugging at you for one or more of them.
Live your life to the fullest
In the past, it was a mark of credibility to have a weed-free small green lawn. You would cut the grass constantly to keep it in control. You removed every dandelion, and even more, you poisoned your own nest by using herbicides. Do you think that nothing will get better? Yes, I know. But go to TheIrishGardener because right now, instead of spreading piles of mono-crop soil, the Irish are covering the outside with native wildflower mats. One dimension is no longer enough – people are looking for flowers, butterflies, bees, moths, gs,d all things alive. Every yard is a garden; they’re revitalizing essential ecosystems. Wildflower seed sellers with a flair are now promoting their products, such as Seed matts or seed bombs, not just to homeowners but as wedding favors, Christmas gifts, projects for classrooms, and much more.
There’s been this base style in US marketing where we try to promote products to our neighbors by making them fearful. Our advertisements are filled with gunfire, screaming, threats, panic, fear, anxiety, and danger, and it’s quite strange to contrast this with the commercials I watch on Irish media, which appear to be mostly focused on the green energy of Ireland and food, and having fun with the arts.
Is it possible for your small-scale business to opt out of marketing based on fear and shock and instead focus on the beauty and joy of life? We have the old saying about drawing more flies from honey than vinegar. Still, Suppose you can connect your business to the genuine desire for a diverse, interesting, healthy, and enjoyable life. In that case, you’re stepping away from the drab lawns and towards the new flourishing garden.
Focus on your locality
There’s only one place where you can purchase authentic Irish seaweed – sourced from the shores of Ireland. Of course! WildIrishSeaWeeds.com is one of those rare businesses that has seen the potential in a gift of nature that many might pass by without noticing. Seaweed is truly a wonder, and you can eat it, bathe in it, and use it as a carbon-free fertilizer that the elderly have always declared. The once-popular food item that children remember fondly is now a thriving green sector in Ireland. Not too far from where I am, I have seen a Californian firm assessing whether it could take advantage of an identified need within the US.
What are the things you don’t know about at your residence? Can it be something that is only found in your region? It was something that everyone used to enjoy but is now ignoring. Perhaps it’s a local food source that is slowly disappearing because nobody is using it anymore, or perhaps it’s a skillful craft such as basket making made in a traditional style, baking or brewing the local specialty making or sewing a traditional item, combining an old-fashioned solution. Perhaps it’s about reviving a custom once a source of pride for your community. Your great small business idea simply revolves around reconnecting people with the uniqueness of your area of life… an area that might have begun to vanish from our collective consciousness due to screens have blocked the view?