Digital Marketing

Coronavirus (Covid-19), Impact on Digital Marketing Industry


Coronavirus (Covid-19), which began spreading in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, has spread worldwide. This virus has spread across more than 203 nations, causing severe damage to the economy and human life. Coronavirus has affected many industries around the world.

On March 24 March 24, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in India a 21-day lockdown. The majority of technology-related professionals are already working from home. Staying at home is highly recommended. It’s safe to stay home in these challenging times and follow social distancing if you need to go out to get essential services.

As the owner of a digital agency and a trainer, I’ve noticed that this virus has caused significant changes to client accounts. This article will talk about the impact that Coronavirus has on digital marketing.

What is the impact of Coronavirus on general industries

Many countries must self-quarantine and lockdown for 2 to 4 weeks as of today, April 2, 2020. The industries that have been most affected by this are the industries.

Coronavirus (Covid-19), as of April 2 April 2, 2020 (Source: Wikipedia)

The worst affected industries include



Hotels & Restaurants

Consumer Electronics


Poultry & Seafood

Offline Entertainments

Banking & Finance

Oil & Gas


Demand for certain industries

Healthcare Industry

News Media

Online Streaming Services

Create your websites.

Online Gaming

What is the impact of CoronaVirus on digital marketing

Digital Marketing will be one of the industries that suffer from the effects of the Coronavirus. Digital marketers offer services to third parties. This means that industries affected by Coronavirus may lose business. The result will be a lower advertising budget and fewer service requirements.

In the short-to-medium term, these factors will likely affect the Digital Marketing Industry.

Consumer interests are changing

Low Search Volumes

New search patterns

Social media usage is changing.

Consumers are not spending enough.

Understanding each of these factors is important.

Consumer Interests Change

Coronavirus has spread rapidly worldwide, and consumers are more interested in products/services that help prevent this virus. Over the past two weeks, the demand for masks, hand sanitizers, and toilet paper has increased. Interest in essential products/services has increased.

Other industries, besides essential services, have seen a steady drop in interest. Based on the Covid-19 global situation, we can expect consumer interest to increase in the next 3 to 6 months.

Low search volume in General Industries

Many industries worldwide have seen a decline in the search volume for many keywords since the CoronaVirus outbreak in December 2019. We can assume that most users seek keywords related to CoronaVirus, health, essential services, etc. The search volume has increased dramatically for the industries listed above.

SEO professionals should not be discouraged by the low volume, as once life returns to normal, the volume will increase. It’s the right time to optimize your website and add new content.

Search networks: New patterns of search

CoronaVirus and Covid-19 searches on Google have increased significantly. These terms could be the most popular in Google’s history in a very short time. We’ll see a new query pattern with words such as Quarantine and Lockdown. Coronavirus, Covid-19, etc., may be included.

Source: Google Trends


How to stay productive during a period of quarantine

Business owners who are locked out of their businesses can benefit from these tips

Is this company able to deliver goods/services in lockdown?

Social media usage has increased dramatically

According to a recent Nielsen report on social media in the United States, activity grew by 50X as of early March ( Report ). Digital marketing professionals should use this medium to market their products.

Telecom operators have asked online streaming platforms to reduce the resolution to 480P for mobile networks to avoid congestion. YouTube and Hotstar have already reduced the resolution for mobile devices. WhatsApp has recently reduced the length of Status Videos to 15 seconds to avoid network congestion.

To get users’ attention, being active on all social media networks is important. Share videos, articles, blog posts, and infographics. It will also assist in educating clients about the new changes.

It is recommended that you only share information after verifying the source. In these times, sharing fake/false information will hurt your brand.

Laurie J. Foster

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