Is it never shutting down, constant work, and no sleep? Burnout can be a result. Thinking that working continuously will result in more work is a mistake.
The Industrial Revolution was based on the principle: More production = more excellent products. It is, at best misguided and, at worst damaging to apply these principles to human beings.
Companies cannot afford to burn out their employees, especially in the current age when creativity and clarity of mind are required for productivity. This is why cozy offices were missed during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Continue reading to discover why burnout is an actual cost for your agency.
The “hustle culture” makes you and your staff less productiv
Burnout or “workplace stress” can cost anywhere from $125-190 billion annually.
The World Health Organization describes burnout this way: “Burnout can result from chronic workplace stress, which has not been managed successfully.” Three dimensions characterize burnout:
Feelings of exhaustion or depletion;
Increased mental distance or negative feelings or cynicism about one’s work;
Burnout is a term that refers to a phenomenon in the occupational context and should not be used to describe experiences in other areas of life. “Burnout is a phenomenon that occurs in the workplace and cannot be used to describe other experiences.”
Sometimes, taking a short break is the right choice
It can take time to keep up with the demands of a busy agency. This includes the employees and colleagues. Oddly, taking a short break is the best way to deal with that heavy workload.
Take time off to do nothing.
Take a deep breath and let your jaw drop.
Positive reinforcement and autonomy
Asking for and providing positive feedback can motivate you, your coworkers, and your employees. Burnout can be a result of negative emotions and cynicism. Positive reinforcement or autonomy can help combat these feelings.
When necessary, give constructive criticism to your coworkers and employees.
Employees who feel empowered to take control of their work and tasks will be more positive at the office. The ability to motivate and inspire employees is by allowing them to set their priorities.
Go for a walk
We are lucky to have furry coworkers at AntiSocial Solutions who encourage us to walk around the block. Exercise is also proven to reduce stress. Walking can help you solve problems.
Walking is a great way to boost your mood and productivity, whether working in the office or at home.
Encourage your employees to leave their desks for short breaks.
Here is an example from a href=””>Mimosa Agency/a>: Here’s an example from Mimosa Agency.
Breathe in, breathe out
Take 30 seconds to do deep breathing exercises, even if you don’t have ten minutes. You can calm your mind by breathing deeply and slowly.
The technique:
Close your eyes and exhale fully.
Inhale deeply through your nose while mentally counting to 4.
Hold your breath until you reach 7.
Exhale out of your mouth while counting to 8.
You can use the 4-7-8 technique to calm your mind. Don’t worry if you cannot hold your breath for that long. It’s more important to consider the ratio than the exact length of seconds. Instead, try 2-3.5-4.
AntiSocial offers ‘Office Yoga Sessions’ to encourage employees to relax and breathe.
Here you can find more techniques to calm your brain by Digital Agency Network:
The coffee shakes
Caffeine increases anxiety. This is not popular, but it’s true. We know that agency life can lead to late nights and missed meals, and we also know there is a place and time for Redbull shots and espresso shots. We don’t say switch to decaf. Just be aware of the amount of caffeine you consume.
Employers can offer healthy alternatives to coffee and tea in the workplace. You should look at the issue of excessive caffeine on a macro level: Are your employees overworked or unengaged? Are they disengaged? What, if any, is causing the excessive consumption?
A study from 2011 Harvard University found that American companies lose $63.2 billion in productivity due to insomnia. They are tired not because they miss work but because they are less productive at work.
Avoid looking at your phone right before you go to bed. Your smartphone’s blue light suppresses your brain’s secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
Employers can provide employees with a flexible schedule or mental health/stress days. Encourage employees to get enough rest, even if that means a morning of vacation or changing the workday from 9-5 to 10-06.
Turn off your email notifications during after-work hours
By being “on” all the time, you are doing your company and yourself a disservice. Turn off your Slack and email notifications and unplug when you are not at work. You’ll be happier and more productive with a better work-life equilibrium. Time off is more beneficial to corporations than working constantly.
Being available at all times can lead to burnout, especially when we have all been working from home due to the pandemic. It is important not to check your email after working hours. Your brain will spend all of its time working if you do not.
Encourage your employees or coworkers to do the same. Give emergency work calls priority after hours and let your employees know they are not required to work overtime. Vacations are also proven to boost productivity.