Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: What is it, and how does it work

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Digital advertising has been a significant player in marketing over recent years. The results have been remarkable. Old-school marketers have had to adapt to the changing landscape of internet marketing, while clients, leads, and customers have become more proficient in this new environment. Companies must recognize the changes in how people buy. That is why they have moved into modern marketing.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing refers to the promotion of products and services using digital technology.

Digital marketing can be described as any marketing that is done online using mobile, laptop, and the internet. Digital signage can also connect to technology not connected to the internet. This can include anything from automated email marketing to content choices on your blog.

You now know digital marketing, so let’s move on and learn the different types.

Different types of digital marketing

Digital marketing is something you may have experienced if you own a computer or smartphone. You could receive an email from your inbox, a Google search result, a Facebook ad, a text message to your mobile phone, or an Instagram post by an Instagram influencer. You can see that internet marketing is a broad field with many specializations. These are the core forms of digital advertising:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimizing and structuring your website to be found on search engine result pages. This happens when people search for information about your business on engines like Google.

Paid Search and Paid Social Advertising

Paid search ads are those that appear on social media. Advertisers create these paid ads to compete for a position on their chosen social platform or the SERP of their search engine.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is any marketing done via email. It’s not limited to newsletters or coupons. This category covers all marketing-related interactions via email.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is any effort to market online through content. This includes SEO, paid search, and paid social advertising. These types of content (as well as many others) can be found under the content marketing category.

Blog posts




White papers

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a form of digital marketing in that companies reach out to third-party websites to promote their products or services. Referrals are another name for these types of marketing. This aspect of digital marketing is crucial because it affects the target audience. These are some of the reasons affiliates can be incentivized.


Email sign-ups


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Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a form of digital marketing that focuses on reaching your target audience through mobile devices. Mobile marketing is easy to implement and can be used by anyone who uses mobile devices. Mobile Marketing includes push notifications, emailers, and social media posts.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a strategy that helps brands increase brand awareness and achieve their marketing goals. Many content buckets are available for social media marketing, including videos, memes, trending posts, testimonials, stories, reels, and other types of content. You can increase your conversion rates by performing SMM correctly. Additionally, you will be better positioned to attract top-funnel visitors and lower your marketing costs.

Purdue PCP Digital Marketing EXPLORE COURSEDigital Marketing Works for All Businesses

Absolutely! Digital marketing can be used for any business, regardless of size or niche. Digital marketing aims to understand consumers’ needs and provide relevant, high-quality content. This article will discuss digital marketing for the two main business branches.

B2B Digital Marketing

Most B2B companies focus on the features and logic of their products in marketing. These businesses are not influenced by emotion in their purchase decisions. B2B Digital Marketing focuses on something other than product promotion but instead on how companies use it.

B2C Digital Marketing

This is the most lucrative stream for digital marketing because it focuses on benefits and not just product sales. B2C businesses utilize a variety of channels to promote their brand and grow sales, as emotions than buying the product influence purchase decisions. Consumers don’t just want to learn about the brand’s advantages. They want to know how the product will help them.

Different types of digital marketing

There are many specializations available in digital marketing. These can be used to interact with digital media effectively. These strategies can be used to your advantage if you are interested in a career as a digital marketer.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO (search engine optimization) is technically a marketing tool, not a form of marketing. To ensure that websites rank at the top of search engine results pages (SERP), it makes web pages more attractive. These four elements are the key to this tool’s success: user engagement, quality content, number and quality of inbound links, and mobile-friendliness.

Content Marketing

By providing relevant and engaging information, building solid relationships via any channel are possible. Many statistics can prove this. Unlike traditional advertising, content marketing aims to convert leads into customers. Blog posts, ebooks, newsletters, and whitepapers are just a few examples of the different content types.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing creates brand awareness online and drives traffic through conversations. It provides built-in engagement metrics that allow you to understand your audience. These include the number of clicks, shares, comments, and total clicks to your site.

Marketing via Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click is a type of digital marketing where you are paid for every click on your ads. This method lets you choose your desired conversions and track them through your digital marketing channels. You can also check the status of your campaign.

Affiliate Marketing

This digital marketing strategy allows you to advertise the business of someone or an organization. You can earn a commission if customers buy the products you promote through a revenue-sharing arrangement.

Native Advertising

This disguised digital marketing technique aims to blend in with enveloping content making it less evident than advertising.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is similar to affiliate marketing. You work with an influential influencer with a large following that endorses your products or services. This is a great way to reach a wider audience.

Marketing Automation

This software is used to increase the relevancy and efficiency of digital marketing campaigns. It also improves engagement between you and your audience.

Email Marketing

You can also send a promotional message to ensure potential buyers click on it. This lets you personalize your subject line and body to appeal to subscribers. Marketing emails include an opt-out option to cancel your subscription. They also contain transactional and promotional emails.

Laurie J. Foster

Types of Digital Marketing: When and How to Use Them

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