Digital Marketing

Do’s and Don’ts for Holiday Parties


Last week, I went to ‘Mingle Bells.’ It was a great event with some of my PDM favorites. The event, themed tropical holidays, was organized by SDX and SD AMA. Most of the attendees were from other San Diego agencies.

The Mingle Bells was my first event, and I was surprised at the large turnout. But I also know that a lot of it can be attributed to the sponsors from reputable industries (each with several board members representing local agencies).

SDX (San Diego Ad Club)

SDX is San Diego’s oldest business organization, which has been in operation for over 50 years. It is also the city’s leading media, technology, and marketing association. SDX’s mission is to advance the community through a collaborative environment where influential groups in the industry, including agencies, brands, and publishers, can interact. The SDX team leverages the collective strength of industry and the innovative entrepreneur communities to make San Diego a top marketing and advertising destination in the country.

AD2 San Diego

Ad 2 is a junior chapter of SDX, which focuses on young professionals in San Diego. Ad 2 members can attend any Ad Club event at a discount. Ad 2 members can mix with SDX during social events, and they can also learn from them during educational events. Ad 2 members are the younger counterparts and have the chance to grow with their peers while learning from the experience and knowledge that SDX has.

San Diego American Marketing Association (SD AMA)

San Diego AMA is a professional association for marketers who are committed to furthering their careers. San Diego AMA, the only organization focused on education and networking, provides members with information, resources, and connections, as well as an international presence.

The Event

This year’s Mingle Bells was held at Fluxx, a local San Diego nightclub. It’s important to consider the type of event that you are planning, even if some venues scream party. Mingle Bells, like most holiday parties this season, was a mix for all ages.

You’re in luck because I have compiled a list to help you navigate the holiday party season. Look around you at the next holiday party. I’m sure that some people will have forgotten these things.

Do not rush yourself.

Remember to pace yourself when you’re at the bar. It’s common for holiday parties to take place right after a long workday. When you are scrambling to get ready and coordinate with a plus one, dinner can easily be forgotten. Prepare a meal in advance, and your stomach will be grateful.

Don’t: Invite a plus one who will represent you poorly

Your plus one still represents you, even if you have earned the respect of your colleagues and peers. Be sure that your partner has eaten well and is prepared for the night.

Fly solo if you are single and unsure of your plus-one option. There are likely to be other people without a plus-one, so you don’t have to worry about whether they will enjoy the event. It’s better to arrive alone than to bring a date that could embarrass your boss or colleagues.

Work The Room

Do not stay with one person or your date in the corner. Many people would like to meet you. This is the perfect time to go around. Last night, I could have easily chatted with a coworker in a corner at Mingle Bells, but that wasn’t the point.

As I mingled around the venue, it was possible to have interesting conversations with other agency people about their businesses, strategic partnerships, and current initiatives. I left the event with at least one or two friends from Grizzly.

Don’t forget your business cards.

In many social situations, business cards can be useful. There is nothing more frustrating than making an important connection and then having to explain that you left yours behind at home. You will have to give your contact information in another way. If you are a guest or attending a networking event, business cards are essential. You’ll be glad you added a few more to your wallet!

Have fun!

It’s impossible to be infectious if you aren’t having fun. Be that person. Holiday parties provide a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your success, bond with the people who support you, and meet new people. Enjoy the night & have fun!

Laurie J. Foster

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