Digital Marketing

Facebook Video Ad Metrics To Watch


Social media marketing allows you to target specific audiences and tailor your content to their needs and interests. When a campaign is successfully executed, the results can be impressive.

How can you measure the effectiveness of your video content and campaign?

Facebook video ads metrics are easy to understand. These metrics are quantifiable and accessible. They’re also organized. This guide will help you determine whether your Facebook video campaign has met its key performance indicator (KPI).

This will help you identify where your campaigns need improvement. Are you ready to focus on six Facebook video ads metrics to monitor?

What do people watch on Facebook videos

Let’s look at Facebook video ads and put them into perspective. 1

The daily video views on Facebook are in the millions. Facebook is the most popular social platform in the entire world. Facebook users watch over 4 billion videos every day.

Millions are watched daily – All video content on Facebook adds up to around 100 million hours per day. The videos range from teaser clips to long, narrated tales.

Videos are a powerful tool for your business- Facebook videos have a greater engagement rate. Videos and video thumbnails will have a more significant impact on your ads.

Most viewers do not listen to sound – Do you think the sound in your video advertisement is essential? This is not always the case. 2 It could be because people are watching videos on their mobile devices in public places. It could also be that people do not like loud advertising.

People are more likely to spend time watching videos than static content. – Video ads engage people more than written advertisements. The feed tends to fade out static content so that many customers could miss your ad.

Some video types have a higher hook rate_ An engaging video opening is almost essential for a successful post. What does hook rate mean? If you can hold a user’s interest for just three seconds, your chances of them viewing the whole piece increase.

Facebook video ads can be a potent tool for any business. Facebook’s built-in metrics make it easy to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads.

What can you learn from Facebook video ad metrics

Facebook video metrics provide a comprehensive view of the performance of your advertisement. Tracking the following metrics is a good start.

Video Impressions


Engaged in a variety of ways

Click-through rate

Conversion Rate


These six metrics will help you determine the “health” of your Facebook video ad.

Where can you find this data

Select the Columns tab. Select the Video engagement button. You can choose the metrics you want to see in this section.

Video Impressions

Facebook Video Impressions are one of the metrics that you should review first. This measurement gives you information about how many times an ad was seen by a member of your target audience based on 4

It was the first time they saw it on their screen

Second and third appearances at separate times

It was a human screen and not a robot.

The viunnecessaryeed to begin playing toto view. The video only needs to be visible on an individual’s feed.

The video impressions are crucial because they show how often your ads appear on the screen. This leads us to our next metric, reach.


Reach differs from impressions, as it does not measure the number of times your video appears. It counts the number of users who see your content in their feed. It won’t count repeats the same way impressions are measured.

Reach isn’t a passive metric.

You can select the Reach objective when you set up your video ads. This will tell Facebook to run your campaign to reach as many people as possible.

Reach is an essential metric to:

Brand awareness is essential for your business

Brand perception can be changed

Increased sales in a specific population

You can set your ad up to be more effective by prioritizing reach. Then, monitor your metrics to ensure it performs according to your expectations.


Your ad’s performance compared to other ads competing for the same audiences

Your ad’s likelihood of being clicked on, commented on, or reacted to by people.

Your ad’s ranking is from below average to above average compared with similar ads.

With these insights in hand, you can set expectations for your ad. You can also adjust the target audience and objectives as needed.

Click-Through rates (CTR).

The click-through rate can determine how many people have clicked on your Facebook ad. The click-through rate is 10% if, for example, 500 people see your advertisement and 50 click on it.

This metric shows whether your ad generates enough attention for a user to click through to your brand. If your ad performs well in some categories but viewers don’t go deeper into the funnel, it may be time to change your incentive or call to action.

Conversion Rate

Next up on the ladder of advertising is conversion rate. This number tells you the total number of people who have gone through all the steps above:

You have reached the feed of your target audience

Your video was viewed

They clicked on the advertisement.

They finally performed the desired action.

It doesn’t have to be an actual purchase. This could include providing your contact information, answering a question, or completing a questionnaire.

If, for example, your goal was to gather contact information from customers, and 10 out of 500 people who saw the ad on their feed provided their email address, your click-through is 2%.

Laurie J. Foster

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