Digital Marketing

How to create a KPI report step by step


What Is a KPI Report

KPI reports are a performance-tracking tool for businesses that track their progress toward specific goals.

These summary reports are usually created by marketers using Excel or reporting tools such as DashThis. Observe how DashThis turns vital performance indicators into eye-catching graphs and charts.

You can quickly assess the ROI for your marketing campaigns in a specific timeframe by reviewing this KPI report in a meeting with decision-makers. Then, you will know what to do to optimize future campaigns.

How To Choose Your KPIs

Selecting the right KPIs can be confusing.

How do you choose which KPIs are most important when there is a list of a gazillion things to do in marketing? What KPIs are responsible for actual business results?

To create a successful KPI report, you must first define your business goals, then work backward.

Imagine you’re a startup that offers B2B software as a service and wants to retain customers.

Set your business goals according to the SMART framework. (Note: SMART stands for specific, measurable, and attainable, as well as relevant and time-bound. This is the best method for any marketer looking to track concrete progress markers.

Reduce the annual churn to 7% by Q4 2020 ( specific ) (time-bound) to retain customers ( applicable). Our revenue marketing team reviews the following metrics onboarding in a KPI Dashboard weekly ( achievable): time to complete onboarding, time to first-time value, and free-to-paid conversion (measurable).

Use the templates provided by your KPI management software if you are still trying to decide which KPIs should be prioritized. DashThis offers a multichannel performance report with built-in KPIs like Facebook Insights or Google Analytics.

These widgets have been set up to track the most common KPIs so that you are constantly chasing the right metrics for your strategic goals.

Why is it essential to have KPI reports

KPI reports that feature interactive dashboards can help us get insights at a glance.

We bring all the data together in one place so that you can get a comprehensive view of your campaigns. This is crucial if your clients are busy business owners or senior managers who care only about the big picture.

This multichannel KPI template combines the performance of Google Ads with Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads.

We can tell from a glance that LinkedIn ads are the least effective. This new information may lead us to stop advertising on LinkedIn and allocate our ad budgets for the following period to Google and Facebook.

KPI reports providing meaningful benchmarks and goals. Without KPI reports, we can’t know what is working and what isn’t in our marketing campaigns.

Examples and Templates for KPI Reports

Now, let’s get to the good stuff. If you need help determining which metrics to track, here are three examples of KPI reports.

It’s easy to understand why so few businesses have mastered SEO. The competition for top rankings is fiercer than ever. There are over one billion websites.

It’s even more important to keep track of your keyword rankings while you publish online. It’s not worth creating more posts to target keywords that need to be fixed for you.

The SEO and Backlinks Template from above display the KPIs in an organized manner. Top-performing pages are helpful as it lets you know which pages are worth optimizing.

Digital Marketing Report

A PPC and SEO report will align both channels and eliminate silos to optimize your digital marketing performance. Note how the KPIs in this digital marketing template play a significant role in your traffic and leads.

This template is a great way to boost your rankings for the most profitable keywords. It can also help you avoid keyword traps, better understand your search query intent, and avoid keyword traps.

PPC Report Format

PPC can be a costly marketing strategy that only those with a lot of money will pursue. This PPC report template shows a Google Ads breakdown to the nub (e.g., cost per conversion, Click-through Rate).

If you want to increase sales, this dashboard is where you should start. For example, the top keywords based on ad clicks can help you identify your “money” keyword, improving your advertising campaigns quickly.

Create the Perfect KPI Report

KPI monitoring can be one of the most critical steps in achieving business goals.

Use a reporting tool at this stage to track metrics automatically. You can save time, increase productivity and concentrate on the KPIs that will drive exponential business growth.

Here’s how to create an influential KPI Report on DashThis.

Choose a KPI Report from over 30 free templates.

Connect your favorite marketing tool.

Choose your metrics from Preset widgets. (Note: All famous metrics have been pre-selected on DashThis by DashThis experts)

Drag and drop metrics to your liking. DashThis will automatically grab data from selected channels and add them to your new KPI Report.

Include notes in the KPI report for additional context. You can use this to explain an erratic graph or when working with clients without a digital marketing experience.

Laurie J. Foster

Email marketing is a powerful tool for agencies

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