Digital Marketing

Smarketing: Tips to Align Marketing and Sales


\You’ve probably heard the terms S sales and marketing if you work in the digital sector. These two teams have traditionally operated as separate entities within an organization. The modern market has changed so much that it is time for these two departments, which have traditionally served as separate entities, to come together, align, and streamline their processes.

There’s no better time to align your sales and marketing strategies to boost sales and create a professional team. Seven tips for a more cohesive sales and marketing team.

Collaboration made easy

To align your marketing and sales teams, you must make it simple. The marketing department shares information with the sales team. In contrast, the sales department relies on the feedback the marketing team provides to create high-quality content that piques prospects’ interest.

All resources and materials must be accessible by both departments to ensure that communication between them is smooth. Cloud-based systems such as Google Drive and Dropbox provide a convenient and valuable platform for storing any information related to business. Team leaders can also send timely and relevant documents using shared filing systems, optimizing processes and creating more efficient groups.

Align terminology and processes

Cloud-based file sharing can only be effective if both sales and marketing teams can understand and access the documents. The Marketing Insider Group recommends that a set of collective definitions can help to clear up communication problems between groups and minimize misunderstandings.

Sales and marketing teams must work together to create an ideal client profile. A well-rounded ICP will help you identify which prospects to target with your digital marketing department. When the sales and marketing team understands who the ICP for the company is, they can develop marketing campaigns and strategies aligned with this targeted audience.

A sales level agreement (SLA) is another strategy to align Smarketing processes and terminology. A sales level agreement (SLA) can clarify confusion between marketing and sales teams and define each department’s roles in the lead generation process. The SLA should include the best way to find materials relevant to the business, the ideal cadence for sales and marketing teams, and what qualifies as a high-potential prospect.

Enjoy quality time with your loved ones

It may seem counterintuitive, but allowing sales and marketing to connect personally will enable them to develop meaningful relationships and better understand one another’s perspectives. It’s okay to plan a week-long retreat for business (although team-building is always an excellent excuse for a trip). You can create a non-competitive staff baseball team or a book group after hours.

Easier it will be to communicate professionally between departments when team members feel comfortable and understood personally. Sales and marketing teams need to know that they’re not competing with each other but are working together towards the same goal of increasing profits and building a successful company. Celebrate your successes together, not as separate departments. Workplaces can be fun, stimulating, and engaging. Smarketing alignment can be achieved by cultivating respect for both team members’ professional and personal lives and the departments.

Focus on the entire sales funnel

A well-designed sales funnel can be used to generate sales and also develop lead generation strategies. When the sales funnel operates optimally, the marketing team can analyze the available data to determine where prospects drop out and what content keeps them moving down the funnel.

The sales and marketing personnel can understand the sales funnel, allowing them to create more compelling content and place it at critical touchpoints within the funnel.

All should share marketing goals

Aligned goals form the basis of a successful sales and marketing partnership. TAS Group information on HubSpot shows that companies who use Smarketing can generate 208% higher revenue.

Connecting the data they analyze is the first step in aligning marketing and sales goals. Consider the data that can provide insight into marketing efforts rather than sales development. Marketing teams may place a high value on lead generation, but these leads could be low-quality if they do not convert well.

The two departments need to work together to synchronize their goals to create common Smarketing objectives. Set aside monthly time for the sales and marketing departments to collaborate and discuss lead generation goals. This will increase efficiency and effectiveness for both departments.

If sales need help selling a particular service or product, the marketing team can create a plan to promote awareness and market to high-potential prospects. The sales team will then take over and pull these leads into the online sales funnel to close some deals.

They rely as much on each other as they do themselves when it comes to producing and sharing high-quality content with a targeted audience.

Communication between teams

It is nearly impossible to generate sales leads without regular communication between the sales and marketing teams. Forrester Research has found that only 8 percent of companies have a strong marketing and sale alignment. So where does the problem come from?

Lack of adequate and regular communication is the leading cause of misalignment in marketing and sales. Effective businesses are built on how we communicate and find solutions to problems. These traditionally misaligned teams must create regular opportunities to collaborate and share concerns. Set up regular meetings to discuss lead generation, share constructive feedback with the sales and marketing team, and work together to build a stronger relationship with high-potential prospects through an optimized sales funnel.

As aligned teams, develop full-funnel material

As a team, creating branded content can be a great way to generate leads and increase sales. Content for pre-funnel sales collateral and social selling can give prospects the final push they need to purchase.

Case studies, for example, can be created by marketers and sales professionals to highlight previous customers’ successes and challenges. They can then increase brand awareness among leads or solidify a sale with a prospect facing similar problems. Tenfold says that developing content together can keep information engaged through the entire funnel process.

Multiple moving parts are required to ensure a business can generate leads and succeed. A well-aligned sales and digital marketing strategy can help best-in-class organizations overcome market challenges.

Laurie J. Foster

Adults and Learning: How to Support Working Professionals

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