If you are like most businesses, your marketing plan probably takes a broad approach. You establish a presence across as many social media platforms as possible and post as often as possible.
This technique can increase your chances of reaching as many users as possible. However, it is most effective when you use a strategy for social media.
Enter the Social Media Audit.
Social media audits examine your brand’s message to gather measurable data on your marketing performance. They can show you where you are succeeding and indicate areas you need to tighten up. The audits are complex, but the logic is simple. If you know what resonates with your audience, then your creative team will be able to replicate that.
We’ll dive into what a social-media audit is.
What Can Social Media Audits Do
Every company can benefit from a social media audit, whether you are celebrating the success of your latest video or pondering why your carefully crafted posts don’t get any likes.
Social media audits can provide a wealth of information. Some of the most critical data is:
What demographics engage with your content?
What users do with your content
Your content will be more engaging when users interact with it
Your post will reach a wider audience
What causes users to stop?
What keeps them scrolling?
Your following growth rate
What is driving traffic to your profile?
They are not only a great source of information but also help you to identify the core values and goals for your brand. You’ll be able to better understand your brand’s identity by defining your core values. ).
Why Conduct a Social Media Audit
No matter how much authority a social media campaign has, it is essential to maintain and analyze the campaign. A social media audit is a great way to benefit your brand.
Save money If forecasts are correct, digital marketing expenditures in the US will surpass $200 billion over the next three years. 1 Social media audits allow you to determine which initiatives work and why, so that you can maximize the ROI of your social media.
It boosts the quality of content- While your positioning online is dependent on your brand, a social media audit will give you results that allow you to avoid having to make a choice.
It builds relationships- Social media audits are a great way to learn more about your customers and what they like. Marketing is a two way street. You will have an easier time building long-lasting relationships with your customers if you get to know them better.
Social media auditing improves the culture of your company. When executed with care and tenacity, they can also enhance the relationships between your stakeholders–particularly those on your creative team. A data-driven social media strategy is essential for improving your work and enhancing your output. You’ll get the most from your marketing budget , andthe engine of creativity behind your business.
You can reap significant benefits by analyzing your social media content.
Here’s the real kicker: No two marketing firms will conduct their social media audit in the same manner.
Social media audits that are truly effective deliver and then understand data. You can conduct your own social media audit or work with a Internet Marketing Service that is well-versed in this science. The most important outcome will be actionable suggestions to improve your:
Campaign performance
Brand identity
Customer Relationships
Visibility of the creative team
How to Conduct a Results-Driven, Social Media Audit Step by Step
Marketing agencies that have the technological and creative resources are usually the ones who draft comprehensive social media audits. They can then use this data to articulate their findings. If you are not yet ready to partner with a marketing agency, here are some tips to consider when creating an audit on your own.
Social media audits usually start with the foundation. Bottom-up is the approach.
You need to know the following:
What you are testing Instagram posts, TikTok Videos, or TikTok Videos reposted on Instagram).
Why are you testing ? (e.g. Why did one image get 4000 likes while another got only a few hundred?
What are you hoping to learn by conducting an audit ? What copy encourages YouTube viewers to subscribe?)
Each brand is unique, and each marketing company has its approach to creative testing.
The logic behind each successful social media piece is universal. Each one drives conversions because of a specific reason.
Social media audits can reveal the critical factors behind success.
Identify your content type
Each content creation, from podcasts to blog posts, can be broken into elements. Social media platforms can provide valuable insight into which “elements” are gaining traction and which are slipping away.
Say a brand of supplements in the wellness industry wants to analyze its short-form videos. Every video is usually divided into four sections:
What is the hook? How do you measure success with hook rate? Video thumbnails are what make a user stop and watch. The theme usually lasts around 3 seconds.
Callout – The primary purpose of the video is to convey the callout. The meat can inform, entertain, or persuade viewers to keep them engaged.
Social Proof- After the video has ended, social proof will encourage users to continue following you. The defense should make people want to know more about you, your business, or your service. However, not all videos require social evidence.
CTA- CTAs (“end cards” or LPs) are a clip’s last moments that encourage a discussion. Every video should clearly state the next step: purchase or subscribe.
Through its platform, Facebook offers businesses a wealth of information about video ads, such as Facebook Video Ad Metrics and Facebook Video Impressions. Facebook data can be used to learn about the brand’s supplement sales.
The average viewing time of a video or videos
What element of the video was a failure to engage?
How many viewers stayed until the end?
What elements made them click on the following link?
Content marketing encompasses multiple media formats, and each has its grammar. To determine which creative approaches complement each asset type, you should conduct social media audits that identify the top three KPIs for each medium.