Digital Marketing

Top metrics that all marketing heads should track


To grow your business, it is essential to understand and track the performance of marketing campaigns. You can use many metrics to determine your campaign’s success, but some are more critical than others. This article will summarize the top ten marketing metrics everyone should track weekly.

Here are the top ten metrics that most heads of marketing should be tracking.

Unique Pageviews

Unique pageviews are the number of times an individual user has visited a website over a specified period. This metric lets you understand what content is popular with your audience and how frequently they view it. This metric also gives you insight into the user’s engagement and can help inform your decisions on what content to prioritize for future campaigns.

Number of New Visitors

The % of new visitors is a measure of how many visitors came to your site for the first ever during a specific period. This metric can be used to determine whether you are successfully reaching new audiences through each campaign. It can also help decide where to allocate your resources for maximum effect.

Watch Video

Video watch percentage measures the number of times people watch a video rather than how many times they have viewed or clicked on it. This metric can help you determine whether your audience finds value in your videos or ignores them.

Fourth: Click-through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks on one link to the number of impressions (how often that link has been seen). A high CTR shows that users are interested enough in the link to click it, while a low CTR suggests improvements need to be made within the content or the placement of the link within an email or webpage.

Open Rate

Open rate is the percentage of people who open an email instead of leaving it unread in their Inbox. It’s also called “opens” or “bounces.” This metric can help marketers determine whether their messages are compelling enough to encourage readers to act on them. It can also inform decisions regarding subject line wording and email length.

Leads generated

Leads are generated by determining how many people expressed an interest in a product or service through an action, such as completing a form or signing up for an event. This metric can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of different channels and campaigns for lead generation.


The total revenue generated by campaigns can provide insight into the overall performance of those campaigns and their ROI. This helps marketers to understand which channels offer the most significant returns so that they can adjust their strategies.

Number of Lead Magnets downloaded

Lead magnet downloads measure how many people downloaded valuable content from a company in exchange for their contact details, such as email addresses, names, etc. These metrics give organizations insight into the user engagement of various lead magnets created to determine which resonates best with their targeted audiences and develop more effective strategies moving forward.

North Star Metrics Performance

North Star Metrics is a high-level Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that keeps organizations focused on their long-term objectives regardless of short-term success or failure. Measuring performance against these metrics accurately shows progress toward achieving desired outcomes over time.

Upsell take rate

The upsell take rate is a conversion rate that measures the number of times customers purchase upgraded features/versions of products after they have purchased their initial product/service. Understanding this metric can help companies identify ways to improve customer service and increase chances for customers to take advantage of available upsell opportunities.

Laurie J. Foster

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