Digital Marketing

What we didn’t Expect from our Content Performance Report


DigitalMarketer produced 181 articles in 2022. We also created 101 podcasts and 141 videos on YouTube for the public (we have also generated more than 1,000 gated videos, but we will not include those data here).

Our Content Marketing Certificate shows you how to create the Content Performance Report. It is essential to be able to evaluate the performance of your entire content by using simple metrics. Then, you can use these metrics to identify new opportunities for content.

Unexpectedly, PODCASTS were the most popular content. Podcasts accounted for 53%, even though we produced fewer podcasts (101) compared to both articles (181) or videos (178).

Note that the “consumption” for our content strategy is “views” for videos, “unique pages” for articles, and “downloads” (for podcasts).

Each podcast was downloaded on average 2,491 times, compared to videos with 432 views and articles with 781 page views.

Here is a list of the most popular content that DigitalMarketer created in 2022.

The best-performing content

The top content types and pieces are listed below.

TOP ARTICLE: How Facebook Ads Are Changing In 2022TOP PODCAST: Episode 231: Become A Certified Email Marketing Master

Top Video: Paid traffic mastery certification with Kasim Aslam

Top-performing Articles

Article titles cover various topics in digital marketing, advertising, and related fields. Some articles are devoted to specific tactics and strategies, such as Facebook Ads or email marketing.

Some articles cover more general topics, such as the skills that marketers need to be successful or new trends, like Web 3.0. Some articles offer advice on creating effective campaigns and optimizing sales funnels.

The articles offer a variety of advice and insights for marketers who want to stay on top of the latest trends and improve their skills. These results could reveal some interesting patterns.

Recent Trends Articles

Several articles mention emerging or new trends in marketing, such as Web 3.0 and digital marketing trends for 2023.

What marketers need to know about Web 3.0

Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 for Small Business

A New Approach to Content Marketing Strategy

5 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for 2023

Articles on specific tactics & strategy

The article titles mainly focus on marketing strategies and tactics, including Facebook Ads, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and Video marketing.

What is digital advertising?

Ad Grid: Building Traffic Campaigns that Convert and Scale

Is Email Marketing Dead?

How To Write A Sales Page

Five ways to drive traffic and sales with short videos

Read more about Skills Development

Many articles offer tips and advice on developing marketing skills or building a marketing career.

What is a T-shaped marketer?

What does it take to be a marketing manager?

DigitalMarketer Marketer for the Year 2021/2022

What is the best way to build a career in content marketing? What should you do

The Marketing Skills You Need to Have by 2023

Optimize & Convert Articles

Article titles can include the Ad Grid or copywriting tips to improve sales funnels.

Ad Grid: Building Traffic Campaigns that Convert and Scale

Why Email Marketing was still important in 2022

3 Copywriting Tips To Optimize Your Sales Funnel

Million Dollar Funnels aren’t made with ads

Articles on Common Mistakes

Two articles highlight the most common marketing mistakes, including the #1 mistake that marketers make when running paid advertisements and the five mistakes which limit YouTube subscribers.

The #1 Mistake Marketers Make When Running Paid Ads

5 YouTube Subscription Mistakes that Limit Your Numbers

Social Media Articles

Many article titles are centered around social media marketing. For example, tips to win big on social networks.

7 Tips to Win Big on Social Media from the Office of Kris Krohn

How Facebook ads will change in 2022

Time Efficiency Articles

Article titles that offer marketing solutions with a time-saving framework, like the 2-hour per month content marketing framework, are available.

How to Create Functional SOPs that your employees will use

2-Hour-Per-Month Content Marketing Framework

Top-Performing Videos

Content focuses on digital advertising, business growth, and marketing. These titles target entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers who want to enhance their marketing skills and increase revenue. The videos cover topics ranging from paid traffic and digital retailing to social media, email, and content marketing.

The videos are divided into two categories: those that offer specific tips or strategies (such as “How To Handle Sales Objections” or “8 Tips For Writing Effective Email Subject Lines”) and those that provide more comprehensive courses and certifications.

The videos feature a variety of experts from the marketing industry, such as Kasim Alam, Ryan Deiss, and Jena Agar.

The video titles indicate that the content is designed to help businesses and marketers improve digital marketing strategies and increase revenue through targeted advertising.

Video Ads & Traffic Generator Videos

Paid Traffic Mastery Certification with Kasim Aslam

What is the best way to structure your Facebook and Instagram ad copy?

Maxwell Finn demonstrates how to create a TikTok ad assembly line.

Email Marketing Videos

Why Email Marketing is Important for Monetization, with Alex Cattoni

Learn to be a Certified Master of Email Marketing

8 Tips on Writing Effective Subject Lines for Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing Videos

Jena Apgar on How to Create Brand Awareness through Social Media

Maxwell Finn demonstrates how to create a TikTok ad assembly line

Jay Vics – 5 Reasons why your business needs a customer avatar

Business and Growth Videos

Businessmen now KNOW they need digital marketing

How to Network and Earn Your First Client

Industry Insights and Trends Videos

This is the Future of E-Commerce

How does automotive digital retailing perform?

Machine Learning has won!

Video Content

Get Certified in Content Marketing

DigitalMarketer Academy Announcement!

Three foundational skills every marketer needs

Top Podcasts

These podcasts cover various marketing, social media, and business topics. Some titles are devoted to specific marketing or advertising tactics, while others cover broader topics such as entrepreneurship and personal growth.

Titles also vary; some are straightforward and instructive (“A Sales System For All Personalities”), while others use humor or shock to grab attention (“Using Poop To Create A Viral Marketing Campaign ?”).

These titles indicate that these podcasts are targeted at entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers who want to learn more about growing and scaling their businesses, improving their marketing skills, or staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in social media and online commerce.

Laurie J. Foster

The Latest and Top Digital Marketing Trends

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